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In 2021 we were approached by the Local Authority requesting to act as their sole representative for providing advice to clients looking to extend their properties. Although it was very nice to be recognised for our quality services and positive feedback from our clients since we started in 2018 we had to turn down this opportunity as we would like to remain as a small company for the time being.

The company surveyor is a qualified Building Surveyor specialising in Building Pathology (a holistic approach to studying and understanding buildings and their defects in order to determine their causes and prescribe treatment). Having previously worked within the field of 'Expert Witness' where construction projects have gone wrong and as the assistant to the past Governor of the Expert Witness Institute. And originally trained by an Architect who ran his own business for 25 years.


​Having also studied an MSc in Conservation of the Historic Environment and frequently involved with projects involving Historic Buildings, their conservation and change of use. Recognising the importance and necessary care to be taken when working with historic buildings and their surroundings. Affiliate Membership of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC).

At management level of the IQ (MIQ) - (The Institute of Quarrying), the company surveyor is recognised for his work as a Senior Land Surveyor & Land Engineer with a vast experience working in the industry of mining, quarries and land restoration projects. 

Please use our services with great confidence and reassurance in our competence and professionalism as a company.

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